If you've got a retail problem you can call Jac on 020 8502 9775 or email: jac@roper-biz.co.uk


Retailer urges caution on top up terminals

A retailer who was overcharged due to a technology issue struggled to get his money back


Energy bill contract confusion proves costly for retailer

Jac Roper helps resolve a retailer’s issue with his energy supplier


Missing rep causes concern for retailer

Jac Roper helps a retailer who hadn’t had a visit from their Nestle in months

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Retailer battles to protect news and magazine customer list

Jac Roper helps a retailer that feels they were duped into giving away their customer list

Booker sign

Retailer takes on Booker over availability

Jac Roper hears from a retailer who has found a dip in retail product availability at their local Booker depot


Retailer warns about leasing contracts

A retailer who switched from a franchise model to a symbol group found the experiences very different

  • GroceryAid Day: What support is available to you and your staff?

  • How to sell your convenience store

  • USDAW publishes advice on protecting retail staff

  • How to report an incident to the police

  • Underaged sales: how to stay responsible



SEARCH for the products, services and companies you need in the definitive guide to the UK food and drink industry.

Products in depth

  • Six things you need to know about Sports and Energy Drinks

  • Four things you need to know about Lunchbox and Back to School

  • Five things you need to know about Sugar Confectionery