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Convenience Store leads the market in providing an essential source of business information for UK convenience retailers.

Its unrivalled coverage of retail and business news and features plus the exclusive “Dear Jac” column providing retail advice and solutions give it a unique role in helping independent retailers grow their business.

With up-to-date online news and analysis as well as daily newsletters, Convenience Store provides retailers with insight and inspiration when and how they want it. No wonder that Convenience Store is the best read and most useful title in convenience.

With a multitude of products and services to choose from, we can help you get your brand in front of the people you want to reach. Here’s how we do it:

  • 68.5k unique visitors*
  • 16.6k newsletter recipients**
  • 490 annual attendees to our face to face events***
  • 19.2k total social followers****

Check out the Convenience Store 2024 features list here


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*running average for 12 months to December 31st 2022

**Figure as of 13th January 2023

***Total for calendar year 2022

****Figure as of 17th January 2023