Britvic is an international soft drinks business rich in history and heritage. Founded in England in the 1930s, it has grown into a global organisation with 39 much-loved brands sold in over 100 countries.
Find out more at Britvic.com
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How price-marked packs can help c-stores maximise sales of energy drinks
Consumers are prioritising value for money, making price-marked packs a key asset for convenience retailers. Find out how Rockstar Energy’s new PMP initiative is helping store owners meet this demand and ignite their energy drink sales.
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How to make the most of the instant consumption soft drinks boom
Retailers can unlock significant growth in soft drink sales by aligning their in-store offerings with the latest shopper trends, particularly in the booming on-the-go market. Britvic’s At Your Convenience platform provides valuable insights and resources to help retailers maximise these opportunities.
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How to capitalise on the soft drinks on-the-go opportunity
The on-the-go soft drinks category is booming. Watch this video to hear from a leading retailer and drinks supplier, how you can tap into this growing trend and boost sales.
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Why boosting your core range is key to summer success
Soft drinks offer a valuable opportunity for retailers, particularly through engaging in-store promotions. Find out what a bit of creative marketing and bold displays can do for driving sales in your store.
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Future trends and opportunities in energy drinks
The growth opportunities in the energy drinks market are many. From emphasising new flavours to in-store activations and price-marked packs. Learn more about key ways to attract and engage consumers.
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What is the biggest opportunity in soft drinks this summer?
Soft drink sales are on the rise. In this video, Britvic’s head of channel development, Reena Bilakhia, reveals the top five ways retailers can unlock value and drive sales.
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Don’t miss out on a major soft drinks opportunity this summer
After the success in the soft drinks category last year, find out what opportunities are available for on-the-go and how you can grow your sales this summer.
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The benefits of collaboration between retailers and suppliers
Convenience retail in 2023 is a fast-moving, innovative and high-pressured industry, but there may be a valuable tool to help retailers face the challenges in the year ahead.
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How to cater to shoppers’ varying energy drinks needs and grow sales
The energy drinks category is booming. In this video, Britvic’s head of category management, Chris Newman reveals how successful category management can unlock value and drive sales.
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Grow on-the-go soft drinks as consumption increases
As shoppers navigate the continued return to ‘normality’, and demand for drink-now formats increases, Britvic has released independent research that aims to help retailers better prepare their soft drinks ranges.
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Tap the £240m market for functional wellness drinks
The energy drink market is changing amid the Covid-19 pandemic and shifting attitudes to health.