Following the Covid-19 pandemic, 40% of adults in the UK are now motivated to make healthier life choices1, with six in 10 consumers actively trying to choose healthy snacks2 to hit their goals. Grenade takes a closer look at the opportunity this affords protein snacks.

With Grenade having focused on the key category drivers of health, taste and innovation, the brand has an in-depth understanding of changing consumer trends. Gone are the days when people disregarded where their calories came from; they are now turned off by snacks that source a large proportion of their calories from sugar and contain few functional benefits. Savvy store owners can capitalise upon this trend and increase profits by making room for healthier confectionery alternatives that still taste great but also include functional ingredients, such as protein.

While the importance of diet and overall fitness has grown hugely in the past five years, sentiment surrounding the importance of healthy living has reached fever pitch in the wake of Covid-19. At the same time, health-conscious consumers are busier than ever and looking to find more convenient ways to satisfy their hunger and nutritional needs3. Research shows that 40% of shoppers read ingredients on the pack4, so it’s clear that they care about what products contain.

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Protein-packed products offer an ideal helping hand in that they keep people feeling fuller for longer – and therefore less likely to make unhealthy snacking decisions. With awareness of the power of protein having filtered down to the masses, ensuring space is created for protein goodies at front-of-store impulse locations is paramount – consumers no longer expect to find these products in far-flung aisles.


At-home snacking during both the day and the evening is driving the market, with 69% of consumers snacking to keep energy levels up throughout the day5. Understanding that Brits will always want to snack – with 88% of adults eating more snacks than meals on a given day6 – this presents a profitable opportunity for retailers who are able to adapt their retail strategies. This includes focusing on products that are not only proven to turn a profit, but those which clearly detail their health benefits on-pack for time-poor consumers. It also means placing healthier chocolate alternatives in multiple prominent and impulse store locations where consumers are used to picking up treats: among spaces dedicated to regular snacking ranges, and and at point-of-sale, using counter display units to increase the visibility of the range and maximise revenue opportunities.

As an aside, shoppers are also willing to pay more for products with functional benefits, such as high-protein and low-sugar snacks, which can only add value to a retailer’s range.

The Grenade solution

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As an indulgent solution, Grenade’s Protein Bars comprises just 2g sugar and up to 22g protein, while also being perceived as the best brand at delivering a combination of taste and function. Top performing flavours in the range include White Chocolate Salted Peanut, Cookie Dough, White Chocolate Cookie, Peanut Nutter, Dark Chocolate Raspberry and Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel, the no.1 best-selling protein bar in the market7.

What’s more, Grenade’s low-sugar, high-protein bars now sell five times more than the nearest competitor in convenience8, rendering them the UK’s best-selling protein bars, with a 51% share of the total protein bar market. In fact, nine of the top 10 protein bars for cash rate sale are all held by Grenade9 and the brand’s sales have increased by 19% in the past year, outperforming the market by 7%10.

With the combination of bold, eye-catching packaging and a popular product, packed with protein and low sugar that still delivers on taste, Grenade has successfully disrupted the snacking world and provides a signpost to healthier snacking in-store.

For more information about Grenade, and to be the first to hear about exciting new updates, visit For FREE point of sale to support your healthier snacking sales, contact and for more information on Grenade’s protein bar range, check out the video below.

1 GOV.UK, Public Health England Survey, January 2021
2 Mintel, Consumer Snacking UK, 2021
3 HRC Food Trends, March 2020
4 IGD Research, October 2019
5 Mintel, Consumer Snacking UK, 2021
6 The Harris Poll, 2020 Global Consumer Trends Study
7 IRI Marketplace, Regions, Protein Bars, SKU Level, Value Sales, 12 weeks to 08.08.21
8 IRI Marketplace, Total UK, Convenience, £Value Sales, 52wks 08.08.21
9 IRI Marketplace, Total UK, Convenience £ROS SKU level, 12wks to 08.08.21
10 IRI Marketplace, Total UK Market £Value Sales, YTD 12/07/2020 & YTD 08.08.21