All Opinion articles – Page 14

  • Opinion

    To the point


    Alan Toft wants retailers to show they’re the good guys when it comes to social responsibilty

  • Opinion

    Think tank: Singing the priases of locally produced food


    Georgina Wild of HIM sings the praises of locally-produced food and offers retailers some advice

  • Opinion

    In my view - 17 October 2008


    When times are tough, who can you rely on? The government? The police? Your local bank? Oh dear. You can see where I’m coming from on this one.

  • Opinion

    in my view


    Traditionally, retailers have had an opportunity to prosper at times of inflation, as margins could be protected or even boosted as prices rose and consumers expected them to carry on rising. But this time round it’s more tricky. Raw material and...

  • Opinion

    in my view


    That’s us on the front cover of C-Store. I know we’re a mean-looking bunch, but these are serious times.

  • Opinion

    Think tank: Georgina Wild of HIM explains why convenience retailers should embrace additional services


    If there are any retailers out there who remain unconvinced about the importance of services – or the value of the services shopper – then hopefully these facts taken from HIM’s Convenience Tracking Programme will help convince you otherwise.

  • Opinion

    Think tank


    Customer service is all about meeting your customers’ expectations, says Georgina Wild of HIM

  • Opinion

    in my view - August 22 2008


    David Rees, editor

  • Opinion

    To the point


    Alan Toft puts the case for keeping your cool in the credit crunch and staying true to your aims

  • Opinion

    In my view - August 8 2008


    The current consultation on the tobacco market has the potential to damage a neighbourhood retailer’s operation much more than any new supermarket opening. Calling it a ‘consultation’ makes it sound very genteel, but make no mistake – there are some...

  • Opinion

    Think tank warns of missed eco savings


    Government-funded energy body Enviro-wise has warned independent retailers they could be missing out on substantial savings by failing to follow a few simple energy-saving measures.