All Advice Guide articles – Page 6
Advice Guide
Google website competition urges retailers to get online
Retailers have the opportunity to be crowned an ‘e-champion’ thanks to a new competition from Google that aims to promote setting up business websites.
Advice Guide
Deli Counters: Deli-cutlessons
Deli counters can add great value to a store, but getting your offering right is a steep learning curve.
Advice Guide
Think tank:That call's for a purchase
Georgina Wild of HIM gives some insight into how to increase beer sales
Advice Guide
Loyalty: Calling Cards
The mults have had loyalty card schemes since the ’90s. Is it time for the convenience sector to join them?
Advice Guide
By the book
C-Store Champions discuss their views on the challenges presented by legislation
Advice Guide
BRC and NIIRTA clash over large retailer levy
The Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association (NIIRTA) has criticised a report urging politicians not to introduce a large retailer levy.
Advice Guide
Beat the May 19 Employer Annual Returns deadline
Retailers are urged to file Employer Annual Returns online by May 19 to avoid a fine.
Advice Guide
National Minimum Wage increases to £6.08 an hour
From October 1, the National Minimum Wage for adults will increase by 2.5% from £5.93 to £6.08 per hour.
Advice Guide
New Sugro website offers product category information
Sugro has launched a new trade website, intended to provide retailers with free information on key categories
Advice Guide
Vans: Petrol heads
The rising cost of fuel is changing the way retailers decide what to drive, points out Robin Mannering
Advice Guide
Wholesaler to retailer: Batley's, Birtley, Coutny Durham - Message from Mars
Retailers who are members of the Batleys depot at Birtley, Chester-le-Street in County Durham, can now benefit from a texting system which alerts them to when Mars representatives will be in the depot, dishing out a special deal.
Advice Guide
In-store services: Powers of attraction
Providing additional services can mean shoppers make a beeline straight for you – and spend more while they’re there. Aidan Fortune looks at the options
Advice Guide
HIM think tank: the future of c-stores
Georgina Wild of HIM reveals what shoppers will expect from c-stores in the future
Advice Guide
Clocking on
Four C-Store Champions discuss how they divide up their working day and ensure a work/life balance. Sarah Britton reports
Advice Guide
Dear Jac: Licensing - Make your application count
Chris Mitchener of Licensing Solutions begins a new series of advice columns here
Advice Guide
Over the counter: Ready for action - Barns Green Village Store, Horsham, West Sussex
Pippa and David Heritage have won over their village community thanks to their go-getting attitude and charitable thinking
Advice Guide
Think tank: What’s driving top-up shoppers?
Georgina Wild of HIM considers how to encourage more top-up shoppers to visit c-stores
Advice Guide
First aid: Dont Panic
Knowing how to deal with a first aid emergency in your store can mean the difference between life and death, says Gaelle Walker
Advice Guide
Think tank: Frequent fliers
Georgina Wild of HIM has some advice to attract shoppers to your store more often
Advice Guide
Snow business
Four C-Store Champions discuss how they coped in the recent wintry weather