Bestway Wholesale is extending its Best-one own label with the addition of eight new products for independent stores, including five confectionery lines and three variants of rice.

Each product offers retailers a minimum POR of 30%. The new lines with join more than 300 other products that make up the current Best-one own label range.

Kenton Burchell, trading director for Bestway Wholesale, said: “Consumer demand for own-label products continues to rise and we are fully committed to offering a high-quality range for retailers to stock in their store.

”Our Best-one own label range provides retailers with excellent value and high-quality products across multiple categories and when stocking the range across the store, retailers will create consistent value. All the products are pricemarked to help with value perception too.”

The new trio of Best-one rice products: basmati; easy cook; and long grain, come in 500g block coloured packs and are pricemarked from 79p to £1.19 each. They will sit alongside Best-one’s existing range of branded rice and White Pearl rice (already part of the Best-one own label).

In addition to the grocery launches, Bestway is also adding to its Best-one confectionery range with the launch of white chocolate buttons and milk chocolate giant buttons, sold in 70g hanging bags, and strawberry laces, rainbow belts and strawberry pencils, available in 80g bags.

The range is pricemarked at 59p each or two for £1. The sweets are also Halal, suitable for vegetarians and contain no artificial colours.

Burchell added: “We know from our retailers that these are growing categories in the market and a gap previously existed in our range for hanging bag sweets and own-label rice, to sit alongside our existing White Pearl rice and rice from other leading suppliers.

“We continually listen to our retailers as to what their customers are asking for, and further to understanding day-to-day needs against a backdrop of rising raw material prices such is the case for rice, we have responded by launching products which close the current gap and represent excellent value to the end consumer.”

The new Best-one confectionery lines are available to independent retailers via Bestway now. The rice products will launch into the convenience channel later this month..