All Nestlé articles – Page 7
Product News
Nestlé revamps peppermint Aero Bubbles
Nestlé has unveiled a new look for peppermint Aero Bubbles.
Nestlé recalls Kit Kat Chunky bars following plastic scare
Nestlé is recalling some of its Kit Kat Chunky bars and a Kit Kat Easter egg after bits of plastic were discovered inside.
Product News
R&R launches Nestlé Ice Cream eggs
R&R Ice Cream is breaking the mould with two Nestlé-branded ice cream eggs.
Product News
Nestlé introduces Rowntree’s Randoms Squidgy Speak sweets
The Rowntrees Randoms brand has been extended with new Squidgy Speak.
Product News
Nestlé Smarties Penguin Party Ice Cream from R&R
R&R Ice Cream is tapping into the novelty ice cream desserts market with Nestlé Smarties Penguin Party Ice Cream.
Product News
Pricemarked packs from Nestlé Confectionery
Nestlé Confectionery is targeting cash conscious shoppers with pricemarked packs (PMPs) of key countlines.
Product News
Nestlé Confectionery re-launches Kit Kat Chunky White
Kit Kat Chunky White is returning for a limited period. While the peanut variant …
Product News
Nestlé’s Quality Street enters ice cream market
R&R Ice Cream is introducing the Quality Street My Purple brand into its £4.6m Potz range.
Product News
Nestle brings back festive favourites
This Christmas sees the return of Nestlé’s Quality Street My Purple Bar, which was the number one seasonal confectionery product
Product News
Nestlé Vice Versas back in stores
Nestlé Confectionery’s Vice Versas are returning to shelves after a seven year absence following a Facebook campaign backed by more than 10,000 fans.
Product News
Pocket money range from Nestlé Confectionery
Nestlé Confectionery is introducing a range of pocket money treats for children aged between four and 11.
Product News
Fruit Bottles from Nestlé Confectionery
Nestlé Confectionery is targeting mums with retro Rowntree’s Fruit Bottles.
Nestlé launches Choose a Chunky Champion campaign
Nestlé is asking consumers to vote for their favourite new Kit Kat variant in its…
Product News
Nestlé Rowntrees offers £10k prizes
Nestlé Rowntrees is offering the chance to win one of four prizes…
Product News
Fab brand added to Nestlé Potz range
R&R Ice Cream has added the Fab brand to its Nestlé Potz range.
Product News
Nestlé launches seasonal treats
Nestlé is hoping for a double dose of seasonal sales this autumn with both Halloween and Christmas launches available from September.
Product News
Nestle releases best sellers in pmps
As consumers continue to feel the pinch, Nestlé is releasing some of its best sellers in price marked packs.
Product News
Nestle launches Rowntree's Randoms in sharing bag
It’s been two years since the launch of Rowntree’s Randoms, and Nestlé is preparing to launch the sweets in a sharing bag.
Product News
Get active with Nestlé
Retailers can use Nestlé's 2011 Get Set Go Free promotion to not only increase sales, but engage with their local communities.
Product News
Nestle runs Kit Kat's biggest on-pack promotion
From May 16 Nestlé will be running Kit Kat's biggest ever on-pack promotion, Break and Win. More than 33 million packs will feature the promotion, which offers consumers 10 chances to win £10,000 by finding a red wafer inside their Kit Kat....