
Brothers Cider has lifted the lid on two new variants for its UK portfolio.

Parma Violet (4% abv), flavoured with violets and floral notes, and Strawberries & Cream (4% abv), a combination of strawberry flavours with vanilla tones, come in both 330ml and 500ml bottles.

Matthew Showering, managing director at brand owner Showerings Cider Mill, said: “We are very excited to be bringing two brand new flavours to our customers through our latest innovations. At Brothers, we are always looking for ways to think outside the bottle and resonate with our younger audience.

“With fruit cider’s huge growth in the last year, and millennials constantly demanding new and exciting flavours, these latest additions felt like a no-brainer. We can’t wait for customers to try them and hope they love them as much as we do.”

Both new variants are available for off-trade retailers to stock now.
