East of England CoOp Security Large

The East of England Co-op has reported dramatic drops in fuel use, emissions, and vehicle idling, across its fleet following the adoption of British green-tech.

The in-cab driver coaching technology and rewards platform, developed by Lightfoot, has helped East of England Co-op achieve average fuel savings of up to 13.8%, and has also reduced vehicle idling – where drivers leave their engines running while stationary – by up to 9%, across its 104-vehicle fleet.

This reduction means the East of England Co-op is on track to reduce its fleet CO2 emissions by 233 tonnes over the next five years.

Luke Warren, health & safety manager at the East of England Co-op, said: “We have vehicles that operate across Norfolk, Suffolk, North Essex, and parts of Cambridge. Some operate from our home delivery stores and have up to 20 users each, while others are based at hubs, or are assigned to individual drivers.

“For years we’d looked at different telematics options, but all were extremely time and labour-intensive, requiring extensive analysis and post-event feedback to drivers, which tends to have low impact. We wanted a simple self-managed solution that actively helps and motivates our drivers on the road.

“Lightfoot delivered exactly that with its in-cab dashboard mounted device, which guides our 550 vehicle users to be smoother, safer, and more mindful drivers, thanks to its audible and visual in-cab alerts. This keeps our team in the sweet spot of their engine, and gives those achieving Elite Driver status access to Lightfoot’s weekly prize draws on the smartphone app.”

Paul Hollick, managing director of Lightfoot, added: “East of England Co-op is a pathfinder partner on the Suffolk Carbon Charter. It recognises the importance of reducing its carbon footprint by empowering and incentivising its drivers to be smoother and safer on the road. That’s unlocked a wealth of CO2 savings, enabling the cooperative to decarbonise their existing ICE fleet, ahead of the transition to EV.

“Today, 96% of East of England Co-op drivers regularly achieve the weekly Elite Driver target. That’s up from 59% pre-Lightfoot and it’s leading to impressive fuel and emissions savings, as well as reductions in vehicle wear and tear, accidents, and idling. Together, we’re driving positive change for the better, one mile at a time, and we’re pre-conditioning the Co-op’s drivers to be EV-ready through Lightfoot’s range-extending style of driving.”