Latest from Dear Jac
Dear Jac
Dear Jac: 30 years of helping independent retailers
In her final column on Convenience Store, Jac Roper shares some of experiences of helping retailers
Dear Jac
Retailer warns against contract trap
Jac Roper shares Ritesh Rai’s story about getting caught up in lengthy contracts
Dear Jac
Check what you’re signing when it comes to business rates
Jac Roper hears from a retailer who learned a tough lesson in contracts
Dear Jac
How soon can a retailer re-apply for the National Lottery after being rejected?
Jac Roper helps a retailer looking to work with Allwyn
Dear Jac
Worldpay debacle leaves retailer £150k out of pocket
Jac helps a retailer who was struggling to get money owed from Worldpay
Dear Jac
Retailer shares coffee machine service woes
What happens when you’re not getting the service promised?
Dear Jac
From health and safety to shoplifters
Jac shares an update on a shopworker that had issues with their former employer
Dear Jac
Retailer urges caution on top up terminals
A retailer who was overcharged due to a technology issue struggled to get his money back
Dear Jac
Energy bill contract confusion proves costly for retailer
Jac Roper helps resolve a retailer’s issue with his energy supplier
Dear Jac
Missing rep causes concern for retailer
Jac Roper helps a retailer who hadn’t had a visit from their Nestle in months
Dear Jac
Retailer battles to protect news and magazine customer list
Jac Roper helps a retailer that feels they were duped into giving away their customer list
Dear Jac
Retailer takes on Booker over availability
Jac Roper hears from a retailer who has found a dip in retail product availability at their local Booker depot
Dear Jac
Retailer warns about leasing contracts
A retailer who switched from a franchise model to a symbol group found the experiences very different
Dear Jac
Retailer highlights crime at cash and carry
A retailer was targeted in the car park of his cash and carry
Dear Jac
Are you being asked to pay by mobile phone in your depot?
Is it safe to pay at the cash and carry with your mobile phone?
Dear Jac
Retailer highlights importance of checking outers
A retailer got in touch with Jac regarding missing products in sealed boxes
Dear Jac
Scratchcard issue raised by retailer
Bhavin Patel got in touch with Jac Roper over scratchcards sent by National Lottery operator Allwyn
Dear Jac
Retailer criticises effectiveness of PCC role
Subhash Varambhia questions the value of PCCs
Dear Jac
Lack of support from Uber Eats frustrates retailer
Jac Roper looks to help a store that was removed from Uber Eats’ listings
Dear Jac
What coffee machines are available for your store?
Jac Roper looks at the coffee machine options available to retailers