Middlesbrough Council has signed off a licensing policy statement which encourages all licensees to apply a minimum unit price of 50p for alcohol.

Premises that do not comply with the guidance could face a review and, if necessary, a mandatory condition to introduce minimum pricing.

The council said it aimed to reduce the level of crime and disorder in the town, "which has shown to be related to excessive alcohol consumption".

Licensees must also consider staff training, particularly in refusal of sales and proxy sales prevention, and ensure the ready availability of CCTV, records of refusal of sales and responsible display of alcohol.

A council spokesperson said: "A minimum unit price is about ensuring that alcohol is not available for pocket money prices. It is considered that imposing a minimum unit price will have the greatest effect on strong, cheap alcohol, which is traditionally consumed by younger and problem drinkers."

The Association of Convenience Stores described the council's requirements as "onerous".
