A committee of MPs has called for tighter regulation of alcohol promotions and advertising, a minimum price for alcoholic drinks and a rise in the duty on spirits and white cider, in an effort to tackle problem drinking.

In a report published this month, the Health Select Committee said the drinks industry was dependent on "hazardous and harmful" drinkers for three-quarters of its sales, and suggested alcohol sales would fall by 40% if people drank responsibly.

Among its recommendations was a proposal to restrict alcohol to one aisle per store, and the suggestion that alcohol advertising and sponsorship should be severely curtailed.

It singled out supermarkets for criticism, for contributing to alcohol-related harm by selling drink at less than cost price.

Both retailers and drinks industry professionals criticised the Committee for its blanket proposals. Simon Litherland, managing director of drinks supplier Diageo GB, said many of the measures would punish responsible drinkers. "More than a third of alcohol is consumed by less than a tenth of the population, so targeted interventions would be much more effective and appropriate," he said.

Association of Convenience Stores chief executive James Lowman added: "We believe partnership working and education are the best ways to create real change. Community based alcohol partnerships have shown what can be achieved when retailers work in partnership with their local communities."

He warned that promotional restrictions would increase bureaucracy for local shops and said regulation must be based on clear evidence of its effectiveness.
