Broadway Convenience Store_40 Years_Dennis and Sophie Williams

Scottish superstar retailers Linda, Dennis and Sophie Williams have kicked off the week with a bang, launching a raft of deals, activities and competitions to celebrate Broadway Convenience Store’s 40th anniversary. 

The Premier Store in Oxgangs, Edinburgh, has played a central role in the community since it was taken on by Dennis’ parents, Kenneth and Barbara Williams, in 1983 and the family was determined to ensure that everyone in the area was involved in the shop’s birthday celebrations.

Broadway Convenience Store_Dennis with Heineken Prizewinner

Heineken has been in-store encouraging people to spin its prize wheel and giving out raffle goodies, while Walkers asked customers to suggest new crisp flavours for the chance to win a year’s supply of crisps. And more big brands will visit the store later in the week, including Irn Bru, Lucozade and Pringles, plus the Scottish Healthy Living Programme.

Broadway Convenience Store_40 Years_Selfie with Elsie

But the Williams aren’t stopping there - customers who take a selfie with Elsie the highland cow cuddly toy, who will be located in different spots around the store on each day, will be in with a chance of winning an ipad.

There’s also free coffee all week, and every day until Friday customers who spend over £5 on groceries are entered into a daily draw to win £40 worth of free shopping.

A birthday bargain bay of 40p lines including pasta, rice and dog chews, is on display; and there’s a one minute trolley dash up for grabs on Thursday.

In addition, like & share competitions are running on the store’s social media pages, offering discount vouchers for neighbouring businesses.

What’s more, local school children have designed posters and written short stories and poems thanking the store for its services to the community and the store has been invited to a special assembly on Wednesday.

Organising and coordinating everything has been hard work, but richly rewarding Sophie told Convenience Store. “It’s been five or six months in the planning, so it’s been quite a big task, but now that the week is here I just want to enjoy it with our customers,” she said.

“They’ve been loving it. Everybody’s just so happy for us and so excited because we’ve got a full week full of activities, with different things happening on each day.”

Broadway Convenience Store_40 Years_Heineken raffle

She claimed that the main reason for holding the big birthday bash was to reward local people for shopping with the store. “This is our chance to give back because the whole reason that we’re here is because of the amazing community that we’re in,” said Sophie. 

“We don’t want to be just a shop, we want to be the hub of the community and it’s so important that you do things for your customers because at the end of the day they’re the people that keep you in business. Especially after the pandemic, that was really hard for all of us, so we want to give our customers happy memories after such a terrible couple of years.”

Broadway Convenience Store_40 Years logo