Here’s some good-ish news a sort of silver lining if you will. If you default a few times on PayPoint (or for that matter if you default on payments to most other suppliers) you get asked to make a deposit to guarantee continued supplies.
I had a call from Kannan Muthiah (Premier, Allhallows, Kent) who wasn’t so much complaining about the £6K deposit that PayPoint wanted (well, he was actually, but it was a secondary point) as he was interested in what then happens to the money.
“Why can’t this go into a holding account in my own bank where it will earn interest?”
I asked PayPoint and got this reply from spokesman Peter Brooker: “Security deposits are always put into a separate account where they earn interest, which is given to the retailer in full when the deposit is returned.”
You might like to look at it as a means of enforced savings.