It’s a timeless question: do you get what you pay for?
My Middle England retailer who contacted me recently was offered a very competitive rate last year from One Business Insurance. It was £300-£400 cheaper than BlueFin, so he switched. He renewed his policy again this year.
Then he had second thoughts and went online to check for recommendations. This turned out to be a rather worrying experience. “There was only one review, and that was a bad review.”
After he got in touch with me, I did a similar search and got twice the number of bad reviews: two.
However, that’s nothing really. One Business Insurance is part of the Brightside Group PLC, one of the top 20 insurance brokers in the UK, and one of the fastest growing.
In the great scheme of things, it doesn’t matter that two people complained, or that its owner is a Big Cheese in the insurance world. What matters is how many retailers have found that the company coughs up when necessary.
I’m flattered that Mr Middle England has asked for feedback via this column. So, once again, Dear Reader, I ask if you have ever had occasion to claim from One Business Insurance and how did it respond?
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