The government is giving local authorities and the police clearer guidance on the use of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders.
A new Home Office guide combines recent best practice procedures with developments in case law and legislative changes to update the edition issued three years ago.
The new version also includes expanded sections on publicity, working with
children and young people, and advice on managing the court process.
"We have to ensure that communities up and down the country take a consistently strong approach to tackling anti-social behaviour," said Home Office minister John Ryan. "ASBOs continue to be a crucial weapon in the fight against yobbish behaviour. Making available updated guidance helps to ensure this happens."
A new Home Office guide combines recent best practice procedures with developments in case law and legislative changes to update the edition issued three years ago.
The new version also includes expanded sections on publicity, working with
children and young people, and advice on managing the court process.
"We have to ensure that communities up and down the country take a consistently strong approach to tackling anti-social behaviour," said Home Office minister John Ryan. "ASBOs continue to be a crucial weapon in the fight against yobbish behaviour. Making available updated guidance helps to ensure this happens."
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