The Federation of Wholesale Distributors (FWD) is looking to recruit a team of independent retailers to deliver research from its My Shop Is Your Shop (MSYS) campaign to the Prime Minister.
The research by the Cranfield School of Management, which reveals that more than 80% of consumers believe the identity and culture of their town or region is under threat from the growth of the giant superstores, has also been submitted by the FWD to the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) as more evidence of the need for a review of the grocery market by the Competition Commission.
The research by the Cranfield School of Management, which reveals that more than 80% of consumers believe the identity and culture of their town or region is under threat from the growth of the giant superstores, has also been submitted by the FWD to the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) as more evidence of the need for a review of the grocery market by the Competition Commission.
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