Landlords have pledged to help retailers "in genuine need" of assistance on rent payments.
The promise comes from the British Property Federation (BPF) in response to the British Retail Consortium's (BRC) campaign for fairer rents. Independent retailers across the UK have complained of huge rent increases of up to 100% in recent months.
The BRC wants retailers to be permitted to pay rent monthly in arrears rather than three months in advance.
BPF director Ian Fletcher said: "It's not in the interest of landlords to see viable occupiers going out of business and our members have a good track record of temporary assistance for businesses in genuine cases of hardship. Most large landlords are also open to requests for monthly payments at lease renewal and on new leases."
The promise comes from the British Property Federation (BPF) in response to the British Retail Consortium's (BRC) campaign for fairer rents. Independent retailers across the UK have complained of huge rent increases of up to 100% in recent months.
The BRC wants retailers to be permitted to pay rent monthly in arrears rather than three months in advance.
BPF director Ian Fletcher said: "It's not in the interest of landlords to see viable occupiers going out of business and our members have a good track record of temporary assistance for businesses in genuine cases of hardship. Most large landlords are also open to requests for monthly payments at lease renewal and on new leases."
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