Convenience Store’s editor Sonia Young made a special presentation last week to Dear Jac editor Jac Roper to mark 10 years of the column.
During the past 10 years, Dear Jac has helped thousands of retailers solve problems, improve performance, communicate issues and avoid scams. Jac handles around 1,500 telephone calls a year from Convenience Store readers, along with innumerable letters, e-mails, and faxes.
Last month her intervention saved one retailer being sued for £50,000, just one of many occasions where her help has brought peace of mind to retailers.
During the past 10 years, Dear Jac has helped thousands of retailers solve problems, improve performance, communicate issues and avoid scams. Jac handles around 1,500 telephone calls a year from Convenience Store readers, along with innumerable letters, e-mails, and faxes.
Last month her intervention saved one retailer being sued for £50,000, just one of many occasions where her help has brought peace of mind to retailers.
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