While most of a pet care section should be made up of cat and dog food, retailers should still leave some space for treats. Anderson explains their popularity: “Dog treats is one category that has been developing and showing strong sales, despite the tough economic climate, as manufacturers have been able to offer pet owners products that not only offer a tasty reward, but come with added health benefits.”

Harding says they are a treat for the retailer, too. “Treats, chews and biscuits are a great way of increasing basket size with a product that doesn’t use up a great deal of space,” he points out.

“The treats, bones and chews market is growing quickly (+8.2%) as dog owners are looking for pet food products with added value, such as Bakers Dental Delicious, while £3.4m of dog biscuits were sold in the past year in the convenience channel.”

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Cash in: Pet care - Leading role
Cash in: Pet care - Meal for one
Cash in: Pet care - Range advice
Cash in: Pet care - Ones to watch
