We’re seriously getting into the feedback bit of the column now. Also in the mid March issue I carried the ‘Move on no stopping and shopping here’ story related by Alvin Wilkinson, who had noted that the East Riding of Yorkshire County Council gave free parking to most of the little towns around his, but not his where fees had just doubled.

I suggested local press (which he had already tackled) and petitions, and I have now had some cuttings from Alvin.

The local press seems to have done him proud. One report noted that nine shops had closed in Hornsea (where Alvin trades) in recent months, but East Riding Council still rejected a plea to lift the new parking charges. It noted too that Countdown, Alvin’s store, could be closing its doors after 20 years of business - although I reckon that’s just to keep the story nice and newsy. Alvin says he’s not giving up without a fight.
