LSR cover image Survey Monkey

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has just launched its regular survey for retail colleagues.

The questions within are aimed at anyone working in the convenience channel and simply ask for your views about your experiences in the sector.

The survey – which only takes 15 minutes – spans topics such as your role, the work life balance you have, safety, satisfaction and more.

The responses will help to shape and inform the future of convenience. They will help to understand the experiences of convenience colleagues and advise employers on improvements to your working environment. These results also feature in campaigns such as Shopkind and the annual ACS Shop Report.

All of the questions are optional and all responses are anonymous, meaning no answers you provide will be traceable to you or your employer. The deadline for responses is 28 February. Ten £100 shopping vouchers are also up for grabs for respondents.

The survey can be found here.