All Responsible Retailing articles – Page 10
Features and analysis
Lottery sales confusion cleared up by government
An approved sales system to allow 16 and 17 year-olds to sell lottery products has been put in place.
Interviews and Profiles
Imperial Tobacco removes gantry from retailer convicted of selling illicit tobacco
The Manchester retailer was found to be selling illicit cigarettes and tobacco.
Features and analysis
Hartlepool Borough and Cleveland Police tackle illicit tobacco
The partnership has resulted in seizures of illict tobacco in the region.
Features and analysis
Imperial removes two gantries over counterfeit tobacco sales
Retailers in Bolton and Banbury have had their gantries pulled
Features and analysis
Consultation launched on selling National Lottery products
The government has launched a consultation on allowing 16 and 17 year-olds to sell National Lottery products.
Features and analysis
Tobacco Track and Trace code grace period to end
HMRC will be requring tobacco retailers to ensure they are properly registered with the track and trace system.
Advice Guide
What is the age restriction on National Lottery games?
Camelot has introduced a new minimum age for all National Lottery games.
Advice Guide
How to deal with an abusive customer
Retailers and their staff are too often the target for abuse. Do you know how to diffuse a situation or how to report it properly?
Dear Jac
Will 16 year olds still be allowed to sell National Lottery tickets?
Changes to age restrictions for National Lottery are causing confusion for sellers.