The latest analysis from Circana examines the home baking category in convenience in terms of value sales and market share


The Home Baking super-category UK All Outlets market is worth just over £2.8bn in value sales over the last 12 months (L12M). The market grew by +7.4% over the L12M versus (vs) last year (LY), significantly ahead of food in totality and well ahead of its sister super-category bakery. Growth has not slowed in recent months, with sales remaining 7.4% above last year.

Circana Home Baking value sales channel share change

The super-category is made up of five smaller categories, but by far the biggest category is eggs, which can be used in many meal solutions beyond just bakery. The eggs market is up +8.9%, but the fastest growing category within home baking is the fruit, nuts and seeds category which has grown by +11.6% in the L12M vs LY and by 15.6% in the L3M vs LY.

Circana Home Baking value sales change

Symbols and independents share of the home baking market is 5.4%, which is well below the average food share for symbol and independent retailers. Given that home baking is growing ahead of food, this under-trade represents a growth opportunity for symbol and independent retailers, however, with value sales declining in the channel over the last 12 months by -5.5% share, the channel has lost -0.8PPs of value share in the L12M. Performance has improved a little in the last four weeks, with share loss down to just -0.5PPs but symbols and independent retailers are still under-performing in the super-category.