The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has called for more unity between retailers and local authorities to curb anti-social behaviour.

Speaking at a Westminster Briefing event attended by local authority and police representatives, ACS chief executive James Lowman urged more partnership working.

“Local authorities have to engage with local shops,” he said. “We operate at the heart of communities and can be both the most affected by anti-social behaviour and the best placed to provide information to tackle these problems.

“This is important, because we must do everything we can to encourage shops to stay in communities that would be much worse off and less safe without local shops serving them.”

Lowman added that retailers also needed to do their part in getting involved. “We need to start at the most local level, with the business next door, and the PCSO that patrols your area. Retailers can then get involved in formal local partnerships,” he said.