Local residents have benefited from a trio of engaging summer activity courtesy of Nisa Local retailers Kishor and Pat Patel who own six stores in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.

In addition to handing out free bottles of water to parched punters at this year’s Houghton Regis Carnival, Kishor and Pat also presented the town’s mayor with a cheque for £400 towards local charities.

A further £250 was also donated to local group ‘the recycled teenagers’ to fund a summer outing. Last year the Houghton Regis store’s donation paid for the over 60s group to visit Althorp Park, the family home of Princess Diana.

The Nisa Local store in Hemel Hempstead meanwhile sponsored the annual Hemel Sevens football tournament.

Despite the soaring summer temperatures, around 200 teams took part in the competition.

 “Our store is at the heart of the local community and we pride ourselves on being the catalyst for everyone to work together,” Kishor said.

Club representative Karli Horwood thanked Kishor for his support: “The event was another huge success and Kishor and his team were a key part of it,” he added.
