? Art News magazine has an ongoing cover price increase from £3.80 to £4 with effect from the summer 06 issue, on sale July 21; Comag
? Elegant Bride magazine is increasing its cover price from £4 to £4.50 from the summer 06 issue, on sale July 25; Comag
? Brides USA magazine is upping its cover price from £6.50 to £6.95 from the Jul/Aug issue, on sale June 27; Comag
? Night Sky magazine has an ongoing cover price increase from £2.95 to £3.25 from the Sep/Oct issue, on sale August 29: Comag
? O, The Oprah Magazine has an ongoing cover price increase from £3.95 to £4.25 from the August issue, on sale July 4; Comag
? Sky & Telescope magazine has an ongoing cover price increase from £2.95 to £3.25 from the August issue, on sale July 12; Comag
? Spongebob Squarepants magazine has a one-off cover price increase for issue N21, on sale August 17, from £2.60 to £2.99; Comag
? The June/July issue of Blues magazine, which was due to go on sale on May 26, is now on sale from June 16: Comag.
? Strategy & Business magazine has an ongoing cover price increase from £6.95 to £7.50 with effect from the summer 06 issue, on sale June 13; Comag
? Wallace & Gromit magazine has an ongoing cover price increase from £2.50 to £2.60 from the issue on sale July 6: Comag