Independent retailers Dennis and Linda Williams are continuing to make a hugely positive difference to the lives of local people via their newly-established Hardship Fund which has now raised £8,000.

Broadway Convenience

The fund was set up last week to help provide essential groceries and money towards gas and electricity for people who were experiencing financial difficulty due to coronavirus.

Donations to the fund, in which Linda and Dennis have also invested £1,000 of their own money, continue to flood in. 

“People are still handing us wads of cash, the generosity is simply astounding and brings tears to my eyes,” Linda told C-Store.

“Some people have given us hundreds of pounds and one lady who is on a pension gave us £15 last week, that’s a lot for someone who is already on a tight budget.”

The couple are now in touch with local council housing officers and social workers who are helping Dennis and Linda to support people who are experiencing hardship.

“The biggest problem we have is actually prompting those people who are in need to ask for our help. People are very proud and despite their struggles, many of them feel bad about asking,” Linda said.

As a result the couple recently donated large bags of shopping to households across the community that the local housing association had suggested might need support.

“We just knocked on their doors and said, ‘here you go, here’s a bag of essential supplies for you and your family,’ they were shocked but incredibly grateful.”

“Thankfully, as word about the fund spreads we are starting to get more people asking us for help directly which is a good thing, but also it shows how bad the situation really is,” Linda added.